Thankful Thursday...what am I thankful for this week. I am thankful for...
1. my children...coughing, loud talking, and all.
2. my husband and 11 years of marriage. Thank you, honey, for a fun night out! Shall we plan another date night for next year? ;-)
3. my parents and a great trip seeing them this weekend. Congrats on the "retirement" mom. Thank you for being a wonderful Godly example of compassion, caring, loving woman of God. Thank you God for restoring my father's health. Slowly but surely he is healing and regaining his strength. God, please continue to grant them both patience with the healing process.
4. safety...we traveled there and back safely! What a blessing.
5. for volunteers who are starting to come forward to help out in our VBS this summer. What a blessing to have people who want to share Jesus and His love with children!
6. amoxicillin...Please God, use this medication to help Andrew and Bethany finally kick this cough that has all but taken over our lives. Please grant them a peaceful night of rest, free of the coughing.
7. my bed. Nothing like a few nights in a "strange," small bed to make you appreciate your big ol' king size! Hopefully tonight I'll actually get to sleep there, and not in the recliner holding a coughing 3 year old! :-)
8. summer fun! Softball, t-ball, library, and swimming (I am CONFIDENT it will one day be warm enough for swimming!) to spend time as a family.
9. diet Pepsi...need I say more?
10. grapes, bananas, pineapple, strawberries, kiwi, apples, oranges, coffee, chocolate...yummy food! (and most of those were even healthy!)
11. love...from my husband, children, parents, brother, nieces, aunts, cousins, grandparents, friends, but most of all God. Thank you God for loving me and providing me with all I need. Please help me to continue to be thankful and appreciate what you have given me. No, I may not have all I 'want' but I have so much more than I need or deserve. THANK YOU!!!