Monday, July 30, 2007

Good Weekend with Family

Well, it's Monday evening and I'm planning the drive home tomorrow. The kiddos have had a good time this week playing with their cousins, Ella and Ava. We've gone to Exploration Place (the children's museum here in Wichita) and the Zoo. We've gone to visit my grandparents in the nursing home. We've spent time with my parents. The kids have all tried to be helpful whenever their Papa needs something. Bethany was running a slight fever when I put her to bed tonight, hopefully it will be gone in the morning!
All in all it's been a good time...just one thing is hubby, their daddy. We've talked to him a number of times. He's been busy, had fun, and has very sore feet. Lots of blisters I guess....poor guy! These gatherings require LOTS of walking, and I guess his feet just weren't ready. My parents and I have been able to watch the "Mass Events" with live online streaming (which is AWESOME!!) It was fun to be able to talk to him about some of the presenters and artists. There was this one guy who was working on a lighted table, we saw a top view. He was spreading sand on this table, making AWESOME pictures! I'll try to find his name and put a link on here, it was completely awesome. He would finish a great picture, then sprinkle a little more sand and make a completely new picture. WOW, now that's talent!
The gathering's theme is "Chosen." And there are three "subthemes" and they are: "Chosen in Christ" "Chosen to the World" and "Chosen with others" I can't wait to hear more about it. Another perk of these gatherings is seeing old friends. Warren and I both attended Lutheran universities (Seward ROCKS) and worked at Lutheran Island Camp. We have so many friends from college, camp, and seminary spread around the country...and a few around the world. He's run into so many of our old friends, I'm really jealous about that! So, if you are one of those friends we haven't seen in years...HI!!! Leave me a comment, so I can get in contact with you!
Oh, and on the topic of leaving comments...PLEASE DO! I've seen a bunch of my family this week, and they've all said that they read my blog daily (I don't make new posts every day!) but only one or two of them have ever left comments. Come on people...just leave me a note that says "I was here....(your name here!!)" You can click anonymous, you don't' have to register, just leave your name in the comment! THANKS!!! I just want to know that someone is reading! :-)

Ok, time for bed. I've got a long drive tomorrow, guess I'd better get some sleep. Nighty night! Sleep tight! Don't let the bed bugs bite, and if they do, take your shoe, and beat them till they're black and blue. (Hubby's add on! :o))

Friday, July 27, 2007

And the Winners are.....

Awesome Mom has won herself a cheery yellow/flowery sling. Amanda (and Ed) have won themselves a shopping cart cover. I have emailed/left comments on a blog to alert the new winners that they have won. If I do not hear from them by Monday, I will draw for a replacement winner.
Thank you all for entering!! Again, if anyone would still like a shopping cart cover or sling, leave me a comment and we'll work something out!!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Thankful Thursday

OKOKOK...I know it's not quite Thursday, YET, but I have a lot to be thankful for! Here goes: I'm thankful:
  1. Hubby and the youth made it safely to Orlando!
  2. My head feels tons lighter! Look here to find out why.
  3. My buddy Jacque (and her family) have sold their home, purchased a new one, and are moving as I type...yes, even late Wed evening! They are so excited about their "new" home, and I am, too!
  4. My parents are welcoming the kiddos and I to come visit for a few days.
  5. My dad seems to be feeling a bit better than last week! Slow but steady wins the race!!
  6. My washing seems to be running quite often, I'm so thankful that I have one here at home and don't have to lug things to the laundry mat.
  7. My kiddos love me, even when I loose my patience with them.
  8. That each of my children have a tender heart, and love unconditionally.
  9. That Hubby is such a great daddy (and husband!)...we all miss him terribly and he hasn't even been gone for 24 hours!
  10. That God listens to prayers, even rambling ones from a woman home alone, and a bit nervous. (I hate being home alone with the kids at night...especially now, there have been some break-ins in our town...God, please keep us safe!)
  11. For my silly cat...he's just such a goof! He makes me smile!
  12. For forgiveness. I'm so thankful that Jesus died on the cross and gives me complete forgiveness whenever I don't follow Him. I would be completely hopeless without Him!

Well, that's a bit of what I'm thankful for right now...Oh, add a comfy bed to that list...I'm going to go hop in there soon! I pray God blesses each and every one of you in your journey to serve Him!

Just in case you haven't heard about the Dog Days of Summer Bloggy Giveaway happening over at Rocks in my Dryer....go check it out! Over 400 giveaways that mostly end tomorrow (Friday). Also, check out my giveaway here.


Well, I finally did it. I finally cut my hair. I haven't had my hair cut in at least 2 1/2 years. I'm working up to a shorter layered look, but couldn't bring myself to do it in one fail swoop. So, this is what I started the day out with:

And this is what I have now:

Do you think Hubby will notice?
By the way, talking about hubby...he left me. Ok, don't get all freaked out now! He left this morning to take 5 high school kids from church to Florida for the National Youth Gathering! Just imagine 25,000 youth from all around the world praising God! Awesome! I went to two of these gatherings when I was in HS, and to one as an adult leader. When I went as adult leader, Abbie was 14 months old, and I was 6 months pregnant with Andrew. New Orleans, August, 6 months pregnant...NOT FUN! Other than the heat and the exhaustion, it was a GREAT time! Hopefully next time (in 3 years) I can go with Warren and a youth group. So...if you wouldn't mind, please add all these teens (and their adult leaders...especially one very special pastor dude) to your prayers!I couldn't leave out this adorable pic. Bethany being goofy as they were getting ready to leave! All the kids (and I) will miss him SO much! Andrew is taking it the hardest. So, prayers for us are also appreciated!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Summer Giveaway!!!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

It's giveaway time!! This is my first online giveaway! Here's what I'm going to do...I'm going to give away two items.

Give away number one is a baby sling. It is a ring-sling and the fabric is a cheerful flower pattern. It has a pocket in the tail that is perfect for your keys or a binky. Ring slings are ideal for babies from birth to 35 pounds. My 3 year old still asks to be worn in the sling! I have complete instructions for the novice sling-wearer...and would be happy to provide advice and guidance to these awesome products! (No, this picture is not of is a friend, and her daughter Hope, who became a sling-wearer after seeing how much Bethany loved her sling!)

Give away number two is a shopping cart cover. This is a soft cushy seat to put in the shopping cart to keep all the icky germies away from your precious baby! It folds into it's own pouch when not in use, and the pouch becomes a handy pocket hanging from the back when the seat is in the cart (I usually throw my purse and keys in the pocket when shopping. The fabric is a black background with purples, blues, and greens on it. It also has a seat belt that you can link through the shopping cart to keep your little one seated in safety! (This is my little Bethany...a few years ago! She was so little back then! But she still uses the cart cover!)

To be entered in the drawings, leave a single comment (duplicates will be deleted) below. You must provide a valid e-mail address, but you do not have to have a blog. Since these items a light, but bulky, only US citizens may enter. I'll close comments at 12:01 a.m. this coming Friday morning, July 27, and I'll draw two random winners from the list. I'll announce the winner sometime on Friday. So get your entries in! If you would prefer one over the other, just make that part of your entry and I will try to honor your request. If I can't find your blog (you don't have to be a blogger) through your comment, please make sure you leave your email addy so I can find you if you win!

Both of these items were hand-made, by me. I do make them to sell, but these are for a contest, and completely free. If you don't win, and would still like one of these items...just add a comment after the contest and we can get you all set up!

For more contests, head over to Rocks-in-my-Dryer to see what other great things are being given away!

Blessings to each of you!-Andie

*** UPDATE****Please make sure I can get to your blog from your entry. Many entries don't have a profile, or a blog linked to their profile. Some even have a locked profile. If I can't get to your blog or your email, I will draw a new winner! Sorry, but I can't spend a week trying to trackdown a winner! Good luck to all!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday...what a week to be thankful! list may be long. I'm thankful...

  1. that my parents were in no danger from the explosion in their town.
  2. that they were not evacuated.
  3. that EMS was still able to come and help get my dad to the hospital with his hurting back.
  4. that the back problem turned out to be just muscular, and not skeletal.
  5. that they are safe at home with some great pain killers and muscle relaxers for dad.
  6. that my hubby is so sweet!
  7. that VBS has gone wonderfully, 38 children have heard about Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life. 38 is awesome considering we have usually around 10 in Sunday School!
  8. that VBS is almost over! (It's a great week, but exhausting!)
  9. that we have clothes on our backs (and in our closets), food in the pantry & refrigerator, a home to shelter us, comfy beds to sleep on, cars to get us to and fro, gas to go in those cars, and so much more than we need.
  10. that I have great friends who help me get ready for VBS. I couldn't get ready every day without you Stephanie & Shannon! Thanks girls!!!
  11. that the forecast is calling for a chance of rain, we need it!
  12. that my cat is finally showing some kindness towards my children. (He was my baby for 3 years before we had's taken 7 years for him to get over it! :o))
  13. that I have a bit of a break this afternoon...I think I'm going to go lay down on some ice and see if I can get my back to loosen up!
  14. that God shows me His mercies new every morning, noon, and night...I need them CONSTANTLY!
  15. that God has given me so many gifts, and continues to bless me.
  16. that my birthday is Saturday, I know I will at least get out of cooking one meal that day!
  17. that my parents are not going out of town like planned next week, so the kiddos and I are going to go see them!
  18. that Abbigail has an eye doctor appointment on Monday, hopefully this is the cause of her headaches.
  19. that Andrew has learned how to whistle...really, I'm least I'm trying to be ;o)
  20. that Bethany is so darn cute...with her attitude sometimes it's a good thing! I love how she says "drink" She says "wink" cute!!! I love it when she starts singing praise songs out of the blue (her version of course!)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The long awaited ND pictures

Here are just a few of the MANY pictures I took in ND. Ok...not just a "few", but not nearly all of them!

Bethany and Maddox driving around.

Fun in the pool.

Hunter (the oldest cousin at 11) and his baby sister, Addison (the youngest cousin at 3 months).

Here comes the parade!!! (4th of July Parade)Uncle Nick is in the Army (going to Iraq in the fall)...he's carrying the American flag (he's wearing camo)

We took the kiddos to Chuck-E-Cheese...I'm not sure who had more fun, daddy or the kids!

Uncle Brad works for the county maintaining roads and such, he stopped by for lunch one day with the road grader, the kids had fun checking it out!

"Baby Addison is SOO Cute!!!!" Bethany could be heard saying this at least 100 times a day.

And here is the ultimate in "Red Neck"... Brad brought a TV outside, and hooked up the cable so that he could sit in his pool, drink a beer, and watch Nascar! What a redneck! :-)

Here is Addison and her mommy, Aunt Jenny.Andrew and his favorite cousin, Braden.
And here's the entire clan! We haven't done an entire family picture since Nick and Lindsay got married (the first time...long story) about 5 years ago! Lots of newcomers since then!
Here's the list of who is who...The first family on the left is Brad and Jenny (Warren's #2 brother). Their kiddos are Hunter (11), Braden (6), and Addison (3 mo). Then is us (Warren is the oldest of the brothers). Our kids are Abbigail (7), Andrew (5), and Bethany (3). Grandma is sitting in the chair. Justin is in the blue shirt (he's the youngest brother and single). Nick and Lindsay are the last family on the right (Nick is the #3 brother, and the one in the Army). Bailey (9) and Maddox (4) are their kids.

My Hubby

I think I have the most awesome hubby, EVER! Last night after VBS, he offered to go refill my pop (a local convenience store has free pop on Tuesdays)...thanks Babe. Then, when he came home, he not only had my pop, but he also stopped and got me a six-pack of Mike's Hard Lemonade. I don't drink often, or much...but Mike's Hard Lem is my favorite! How sweet is that! VBS is so fun, but also stressful and exhausting...he thought he'd get me a little treat. Again, THANKS BABE! And this morning, I logged onto the puter to check my email, and the sweetie sent me an e-card. Just an "I love you" card. For no reason. My birthday is this weekend (I'll be 33, thank you very much!! :o)), but it's not a birthday card. My man is so wonderful, I love him so much...Thank You God, for blessing me with my hubby.

Warren...I love you so much. Thank you for loving me and taking care of us. You are just the most wonderful hubby I could ask for...again, I LOVE YOU!

UPDATE!!! Wednesday 9:30 am

Well, the fire is out. The fumes are disipating. The town is supposed to open up again (at least most of the town) this morning.
Dad was released from the hospital yesterday afternoon after deciding that his back pain was entirely muscle related, not spine. They gave him megga doses of pain meds, and he felt much better. Mom and dad stayed in a hotel last night...just in case the winds shifted and they would have to evacuate. They didn't think they should deal with anything else...they had enough to deal with. I'm assuming they will be going home later today. My cousin and her family were staying in the same hotel.
Thank you all for your prayers. I'm so thankful to know that they are safe and doing ok. Mom and Dad have decided that they should not travel to Florida next week for the National Youth Gathering...they haven't missed one as long as I can remember. This will be hard for them! But (don't tell them! :o)) I'm glad! Hubby is going with our youth group...and now I have someone to go visit! :o)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Isn't this puppy cute??? He's the newest "thing" from Rocks in My Dryer (you know, the Works for me Wednesday place!) She's organizing all her bloggy buddies into doing a big giveaway. The give aways start on Monday, July 23...and the drawings are on Friday, July 27. I've been thinking about doing a giveaway here on my blog to see if more people would leave here I go with my first giveaway! I plan to give away either a baby sling that I have made, or a shopping cart cover that I made. I make both to sell...but would be happy to give one away. So...which do you think I should give? Leave a comment and tell me which one you think should be "my giveaway prize!" Then, don't forget to come back on Monday to register for the giveaway!

(Still waiting for word on Dad...just reading the blogs to keep my mind busy!)

Update 2:15 pm prayer has been answered! Thank You God! My dad has been transported by ambulance to the hospital. He and mom are out of the danger zone. Now they can start trying to figure out what's up with his back.
I called my brother to check and find out what was going on. He was sitting on a little road behind my parents' house watching the fire. While I was talking to him he saw a few large fire balls, something else in the plant was exploding. The new foam has not yet arrived.
Thanks for your continued prayers.

Prayers PLEASE!!!

I know there are many prayer warriors out there who read I'm appealing to you.

First of all, my dad's health has been a struggle since January. He was in the hospital for more than a month. His recovery has been a very slow process. He ended up back in the hospital two weeks ago for chest pains (which turned out to be nothing) and a very painful knee. They decided he needs a knee replacement, but his health is not at the point where they can do another major surgery right now. So, he is supposed to receive steroid shots to help with his knee until he can have the replacement done. He was released from the hospital last Tuesday (one week ago today). He had a follow-up appointment with his doctor on Thursday. Things looked good. Thursday night he did something to his back, and has been in extreme pain since. Apparently he hasn't even gotten out of bed. Mom and my brother were going to call an ambulance this morning to come help get him to the hospital so they can see what's going on.

Now...all of the emergency crews in their town are busy, there was a terrible explosion at a solvent plant. Most of the town has been evacuated. The wind is blowing the fumes and smoke away from my parents house, so they are safe at this point. I told mom that she should call ems and just let them know that they are there, and if their part of town needs to be evacuated, they will need help. I'm so worried about them...all of them, the entire town. The solvents and chemicals can't be put out with water, they are waiting for some sort of foam to arrive to help put it out. If you want more info on the info, it's an explosion at Barton Solvents in Valley Center, Kansas.

I live about 4 hours away, and there is nothing I can do...except pray! I'm watching the continuous coverage on the Internet, and it just looks so scary! Please pray for the entire town, but especially my dad and mom.

Thank you...and I will try to post an update as soon as I find out they are OK.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Thankful Thursday

I'm so glad to be home!! That's my first thankful! I'm thankful for a safe trip to ND. I'm thankful for a great, fun week with family. I'm thankful that Andrew and Braden (his cousin who is just 7 months older than he is) had so much fun! I'm thankful that Bethany didn't smother Addison (the 3 month old baby cousin...Bethany was SOOO in love!). I'm thankful for a wonderful brother & sister-in-law who open up their basement and let us stay with them.

I'm thankful that VBS is only a few days away. I'm thankful for all the volunteers who are helping. I'm thankful for the parents and children who will come and learn about Jesus. I am thankful that God has given me endurance to get this far...please carry me the rest of the way!!

I'm thankful for my kiddos...even on rough days, they still love me! I'm SOOO thankful for my husband. He is so wonderful! He loves me, respects me, protects me, yet lets me fly (and fall) without trying to control me. Thanks babe!

There are so many more things that I am thankful for....but I have VBS stuff to do!!


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

We're HOME!!!

Visiting family is fun, tiring, and so wonderful...but it is so good to be home. I'll try to post an update about our trip soon, but VBS is next week and I don't even know where to begin. So....please be patient! :-) I'll try to upload some pix of the family.

Blessings to all...I've missed you! I have SOO much blogging to get caught up on, I can't believe you all went on with your lives while I was gone! :-)
