Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I'm going to be MIA for a few days. I have been talking about doing a garage sale for oh...about 10 years. Well, I'm going to do it this weekend! My friend who lives in the country is having a garage sale at her mother-in-law's home which is only two doors down from me. So...I'm going through all my "baby" stuff and kids' clothing right now to add to her garage sale. I've decided I'm going to sell all my baby stuff, except my crib and pack-n-play...the pack-n-play is practical to have around for company, and the crib is the FIRST baby thing we purchased when I was pregnant with Abbigail, after 3 years of's a sentimental thing! :o) It's A LOT of stuff, so it's going to take me ALL of the next couple of days to get the stuff sorted and priced. I'll be back after the garage sale, and after I recover! :o)

Hope everyone has a wonderful week...see ya on the flip side!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Just wanted to stop in to say I hope everything is going great with your garage sale!