Sunday, November 4, 2007

Autumn Colors

I attempted to post about the beautiful colors once before, but blogger was having troubles that here we go again!

A few of my bloggy buddies have inspired me with pictures of the beautiful autumn colors they are being blessed with in their home areas of the country (New York and Pennsylvania). I thought I would try to show off some of the beauty of autumn here in Kansas. My family and I enjoyed a day at the zoo last weekend, and here are some of the photos I captured that day...blessings of autumn color, and the blessings of my family. Enjoy....

Here is one of the first trees I saw when entering the zoo. All ablaze in bright golden yellows and oranges...just breathtaking! The picture doesn't do it justice, the sun was behind it and washed it out a bit.

These two were spotted in two areas of the zoo, I thought they were cute, they looked like they were dripping leaves of fire.

This tree is an evergreen, no fall colors...but it's shape just pulls me in every time I see it!
Here are two of my "little animals" racing to see the bigger animals.
My monkeys looking at the furry ones.
Abbigail and Bethany decided to help me find beautiful colors.
Andrew and Daddy playing around.
One little flower trying to hold onto summer...see you next year sweet thing!
(try to ignore the litter next to the flower...I was so entranced by the flower that I didn't even notice the garbage till i was posting this!)


Steffie B. said...

Beautiful colors and a fun day as well! ;) fabulous!

Full of Grace said...

Thanks for sharing the beautiful colors in "your neck of the woods!" I was especially taken by the flowers- they are long gone here!