Dad did get moved to a different hospital on Monday. Last time I talked to them they were really liking their new doctor, seemed to want to be very involved. They were waiting to meet with the new physical therapist. He continues to wiggle his toes and flex his thigh muscles. We continue to pray for more movement and healing as the days go by.
Bethany brought home "Gonzo the Gorilla" from her preschool class yesterday. We have to write a story about what Gonzo does while he's with us. She has carried that thing everywhere with her! He's such a cute stuffed animal. I just might have to talk to her teacher and find out where she got him so that Bethany can have one for Christmas.

Andrew is getting better. His cough is going away, and he's acting more like himself. He does really well doing his homework, and always wants to read his library books. We've also been reading the Chronicles of Narnia...The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. We try to read a chapter or two each night. They seem to be enjoying this! It's so exciting to see him beginning to read. His homework has words that he has to match to the picture...and he does a great job. I just love it when they begin to learn to read!!! Such a milestone!

Abbigail is doing great in school again. She met her AR (Accelerated Reader) goal about two weeks before the deadline. Most of the books she reads for the AR tests are third grade level or higher (she's in 2nd grade). I personally think she's picking ones that are a bit too easy for her, but she's still getting back into the swing of school. She'll be into the fourth grade level soon. Abbigail got a 102% on her first spelling test!!! Yippee for her! {I am the world's WORST speller! The year I taught Jr. High, I taught 8th grade spelling. When I told my parents this, they just started laughing!} On Monday, Abbigail took her new Bible for show and tell. She told her class that she reads it to learn more about God, and that she's a Christian. Her teacher told me that it just was so awesome! Mrs. Williams can't wait to share the story with her Bible Study group on Sunday. 

Warren continues to do his vocation as pastor, both for our congregation and for the congregation in Bazine. He also has driven almost 3 hours to do a hospital call one day for the last two weeks. He's tired, but doing ok.
I actually got up to work out yesterday and today. I walked 1.75 miles both days and did between 340-450 crunches each day...OY are my abs sore! I REALLY want to get rid of this tummy...I can no longer blame it on the babies when the youngest is 3!!! I have also been sewing up a storm...what did I ever do when my sewing machine was not working??? I have sewn 7 slings in the past week and a half...and almost finished a quilt top. I'm hoping to finish the quilt top today and start on the matching one for the other daughter. I need to take samples of the fabric with me when I go shopping so I can find a quilt back that matches. The quilt colors are all bright, a bright pink, green, yellow and blue. I'm thinking maybe one back will be yellow and the other one pink so they are not identical. I'm going to use the back as a binding for the it will have a solid color boarder. I'm thinking of just using a solid twin size flat sheet for the back, but we'll have to see what I can find. 

The moms I do childcare for and I are talking about doing a supper swapping co-op. We each fix one dinner (enough for 4 families) and swap with everyone else...that way we only cook once and with the swap we get 4 meals. We are unsure if we will swap every week or twice a month. We're just started talking about it this week...but it sounds GREAT!!!!
I'm going to work on a "Works for Me Wednesday" post. I want to share about my "routine" pages, and my chore chart. They have really helped get the kids on track this school year!
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